DUG HPC FastX connection Guide for Linux
This is provided by DUG
HPC FastX Connection Guide for LinuxTo get a graphical desktop session on your DUG access server please install the latest version of the FastX3 desktop client for your operating system from here - https://www.starnet.com/download/fastx-client
Setting up FastX
Start the FastX3 application and select the "+" icon in the top left of the Connections window.
In the "Edit Connection" window that appears select "ssh" from the dropdown and enter the following details:
Then switch to the Advanced tab and enter these details:
Now select "OK" , and you will have a connection named DUG in your list.
Connect to your DUG HPC Access Server
Before launching FastX, ensure that you have an ssh-agent running and have loaded your SSH Key into it.
Double click the connection and enter your supplied password. Please accept any prompts you receive.
Note that for security we require both password and SSH key to meet 2FA
Once connected you will see the FastX window with the DUG tab at the top.
Select the "+" at the top left of the window and you will see two icons, the DUG Desktop, and DUG Insight.
Select DUG Desktop to launch a remote desktop session on your access server.
At the top right of the FastX window there is an icon of three horizontal lines. If you select this you get an option to display the "Connection Log". Please capture this and send it to us if you have any problems connecting to help us troubleshoot.
Last updated